What time should I arrive?
Guests should arrive no later than 4 PM. This will allow time for guests to secure parking and transition into the backyard to find their seats. The ceremony will take place no later than 5 PM.
Where should I park?
As this is an intimate backyard wedding with ~50 cars arriving around the same time, street parking on or near 95 Macon Drive will be limited on a first come first serve basis. Be mindful of adhering to street signs and you should be fine. Additionally, a small public parking lot can be found within a short walking distance at 3512 Madison Ave. If that lot is full, there is additional public parking available across the street at Bridgeport Public Library (North Branch) 3455 Madison Ave, Bridgeport, CT 06606. Expect to be walking at least 2-5 minutes to get into the backyard wedding. Thank you for this consideration!
Can I bring a guest?
We ask that only those named on the invitation attend at this time due to spacing within a residential lot. If any accommodations are required, reach out to the bride or groom and we'll be happy to help!
What foods will be served?
There is no traditional "menu" for our wedding, however, rest assured, we will be providing a delicious array of foods, drinks, and desserts. We will have gluten-free options as well.
Will there be an open bar?
There will be no bartender on site, however, we will be providing ciders and wine on ice. We ask that guests do not bring additional alcohol on site. If you are drinking, secure a designated driver. We love you all and want to ensure everyone gets home safely.
What should I wear?
Traditional formal wedding wear with a kick! We are outside for this wedding on grass, so prepare to bring cozy layers and comfortable shoes as needed. As long as you don't show up in sweats, you should be good.